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Digital Advertising Can Go Viral

(At least, that’s what the fox says!) With a strong digital advertising component, you, too, could become the next viral sensation.

Take Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches,” which featured real women contemplating themselves through another’s eyes. Just one video, in an ongoing campaign, garnered more than 114 million views the first month alone, just because people chose to share it on social media sites. When you consider that 114 million is about the same number of people who saw the average 2015 Super Bowl commercial, according to NBC Sports, the power of viral content becomes obvious. Dove would have spent $4.5 million per 30 seconds for a Super Bowl commercial, and still wouldn’t have gotten the strong social proof inherent in social media shares.

There’s no magic formula for how or why something goes viral, but, in general, the content should speak to our emotions. Content that makes people laugh or feel good about themselves is very shareable. Beyond that, it’s hard to predict what will make something take off, but once it does it can take on a life of its own.