Axon Local Media

Axon Local Media empowers you to create effective local advertising.

Axon Local Media

Who we are, what we do.

Our Mission

Axon Local Media Advertising's goal is to provide advertising and marketing to locally owned and operated business, encouraging visitors and the community to shop locally while building their awareness to the local offerings.

How it works

We have spent years building an advertising network that will increase ROI while maximizing exposure, awareness and sales for our advertisers. Advertisers create digital ads on our easy-to-use interface (creating your ad could be as simple as uploading an already-existing ad or picture or by having our professional designers create an ad for you. How to Create an Ad). Which then display on our miniature billboard style "ad players" placed in strategic locations in local businesses.

Benefits the locals

Local-area residents benefit by receiving the latest local-businesses information, services, and promotions they otherwise may not hear about. Our ads are even interactive and may contain coupons within their QR codes that local businesses offer. Preview Axon Local Media Ad Players

Benefits area visitors

Tourists and Visitors benefit by quickly being able to learn about services in the local area. They will be able to scan a QR code to receive directions and contact information for all the local businesses advertising with us in the area. Preview Axon Local Media Ad Players

Benefits local advertisers

Businesses advertising with Axon Local Media will have their advertisement shown to local and area visitors. Advertising locally to these potential customers provides a significantly-higher return on investment for advertisers than other forms of print or online advertising because it is a combination of the best attributes of both. Digital ad players are a great way to display information, distribute promotional offers, find new employees, or generate new business and stay in touch with the local community. Login or Create an account right now

Role and benefits to the advertising host

The advertising host may receive a portion of advertising revenue for hosting the Axon Local Media Ad Player at their business in front of their customers or the host can receive discounted advertising, specialty placement, or the option of having their own ad player that they can use to announce or promote any hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly message they want their customers to see. To host an "Ad Player" at your location, call Floyd Baker at (763) 443-7238 or Contact Us



Digital Advertising is Targeted

Traditional advertising is hit-or-miss, but digital platforms are changing the game. Axon Local Media can put your brand name and your content marketing in front of customers when they are already out in your local area. At your option we can integrate your Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn offer flexible ad options that allow you to segment by geographic location, demographics, interests, and more.